A holistic view across multiple targets. Domain-wide web application security scanning at its best.
A holistic view across multiple targets
SecApps Lookout is an automated web application security testing solution suitable for targeted and wide-area web security scanning. Provide the application URLs or domain names to scan and let Lookout do the rest.
60+ vulnerability classes
The Lookout scanner can detect a wide range of security vulnerabilities from SQL Injection, Command Injection and Cross-site Scripting, host header injection, server and application misconfigurations and much more.
Web application security solution for every job
Lookout is backed by a custom web security scanning technology that packs years of Research & Development investments. Benefit from scanning technology that is not available in any other shape and form.
Vulnerability classes such as SQL Injection, Cross-site Scripting and others
Suitable for bug bounty hunting, continuous monitoring, pentesting and more
Notify team members when scans are completed for a timely analysis
Built-in mechanism to compare results with previous scans
Automatically curates a vulnerability catalogue
Data can be sent to internal and 3rd-party systems

Web application security testing at inifinite scale
Testing modules
Generic vulnerability classes
Execution snapshots
Explore use cases
Wide Web Application Security Scanning
SecApps Lookout is a wide web application security scanner that is designed to scan multiple web applications for vulnerabilities.
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Automated Security Testing
Setup targeted scans to fully test specific parts of your web application infrastructure.
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Frequently Asked Questions
SecApps Lookout is an automated web application security scanning solution for continuous vulnerability assessments, monitoring and bug bounty hunting.