Wide Web Security Scanning

SecApps Lookout is a wide web application security scanner that is designed to scan multiple web applications for vulnerabilities.

  • wide
  • web application
  • scanning

There are more than one way to attack your organisation web applications. The most common method is to use a web application scanner, which is a piece of software that attempts to identify vulnerabilities in web applications.

Web application scanners come with many limitations. Specifically, web application scanners are specifically configured to scan a single target. This limits their ability to find new vulnerabilities in other web applications. In order to find new vulnerabilities, a wide web application security scanner is used. A wide web application security scanner is a piece of software that is designed to scan multiple web applications for vulnerabilities.

SecApps Lookout automatically identifies all your domains, subdomains and applications and launches a wide web application scan. It then continuously monitors your web applications for new vulnerabilities and notifies you as soon as they are found.

With SecApps Lookout you can be sure that your organisation's web applications are always safe and secure.

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