Get to know your vendors better than they know themselves
Cost-effective vendor due diligence program based on solid technical assessment and not superficial questionnaires.
Assessments are entirely based on the perception of the vendor
Almost all 3rd-party due-diligence processes are based on an outdated approach focused on simple questionnaires. Thus assessments rely entirely on the perception of the vendor but not on their actual security practices.
Non-invasive Scans
With Scout, you can fingerprint the target organization and identify all assets, to demonstrate technical weaknesses in the target's security posture.
Compromised Accounts
With Scout you can quickly identify comprossied accounts that can lead to senstive information thus opening the attack surface of the vendor.
Numerous Integrations
Scout is easy to use and integrate into any existing tools and workflows.
Remove the complexity of running 3rd-party due diligence program
Your 3rd-party due diligence program does not have to be complex or expensive based on long back and forth meetings or other tedious workaround questionnaires.
1 / Simple Setup
Fire Scout and let it discover all vulnerable targets.
2 / Assess Continuously
Schedule your reporting on continues bases so that your security team can be always on top of new risks and vulnerabilities.