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Raygun Multi-target Support

Introducing Raygun Multi-targets, the latest feature from SecApps Raygun that makes web security testing easier than ever before. Raygun Multi-targets allows users to scan and monitor multiple web URLs simultaneously. This means that users no longer have to manually configure each of their web targets inside the Raygun template - Raygun will do it all for them. With this new feature, users can save valuable time and resources, while also ensuring their web applications are secure.

The Multi-targets feature enabled by SecApps Asset service. SecApps Asset provides users with an up-to-date inventory of the web targets they have configured. The targets can be added manually or automatically imported through an automated discovery service such as SecApps Scout. This helps users quickly identify and manage all of their web targets from one place.

Raygun Multi-targets is an essential tool for any organisation that needs to manage multiple web scanning targets - especially new application that are not yet known to the Security and IT team. Not only does it save users time and resources, but it also helps them keep their web applications secure and compliant.

Just visit https://raygun.secapps.com to get started.

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