Explore Scout Results

Scouts generate several artefacts as part of its execution process. These artefacts are saved into a graph database. Each execution is effectively a snapshot of the graph database. It contains a diverse set of data from summary report, domains, IP addresses, ports, URLs, to screenshots, code repositories, social profiles and more.



The summary report provides a snapshot view of all the important information that was identified automatically. The report contains the total number of assets in each category (domains, IPs, ports and URLs) and vulnerability information, which includes detailed description and remediation steps.

Scout Summary Screen


Visually scanning all enumerated assets is an important part of the process, whether discovering assets or researching vulnerabilities. The screenshots tabs contain snapshots of web applications and other services such as remote desktop sessions.

Scout Screenshots Screen


Scout discovers a wide range of data types automatically. Not all of it has a dedicated view. Therefore it is only available through the Data tab. In this tab, you will find all assets, their types, detailed data, and a handy feature such as filters and data exports.

Scout Data Screen

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