Create a Scout

Step-by-step tutorial how to create a SecApps Scout asset recon instance

  • scout
  • create
  • instance

Now that you've signed up for SecApps, you are ready to create your first Scout instance from the Scout management console.

NOTE You are not charged for creating Scout instances; you are only charged for their execution. For more information about charges, see Scout Pricing.

To create a Scout instance

  1. Sign in to SecApps Scout at
  2. Choose Add Scout from the toolbar.
  3. Choose a name. This is only for your information. Each instance has a unique identifier automatically created for you.
  4. You can optionally describe your Scout instance.
  5. Optionally enter a list of URL targets. This is a line delimited list of top-level domains such as
  6. Set prefered schedule execution interval
  7. Click Add to create the Scout instance.
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