Explore Devcore Results

To make things easier we can split Devcore into 3 main categories. Developers, Leaks, and Data.

  • Developer Tab provides you with an overview of all the developer accounts associated with your organization.
  • Leaks Tab provides you with information about the type of leak, the author, the date it has been published and much more.
  • Data Tab is used to store all data points identified during the scanning process for further exploration.

Developer Tab

The Developer Tab is a place where you can see all the developers Devcore found automatically associated with your organization and the ones who were added manually during the setup process. It is a great place to quickly identify if any developer accounts were missed, so there are no loose threads.

Leaks Tab

The Leaks Tab is the place where you will spend most of your time. Here we can see 2 main sections:

  1. Table view that represents all leaks discovered during the execution.
  2. File view where you can see the contents of each file where the leak is present.

Each leak has the following information:

  • The ID for internal use when storing your information in any form (spreadsheet etc.)
  • The Rule that defines the type of leak Devcore discovered.
  • The Severity level of the leak.
  • The Author that is responsible for the leaked information.
  • The Email address that is associated with the developer.
  • The Repository URL where the leak is stored.
  • The File’s location.
  • The Offender.
  • The Date which the leak was published.

You can sort all the information based on different factors. For example, you might want to see the leaks with the highest Severity Score, or you might want to check the most Recent leaks that were discovered.

To proof check, click on any of the results and inspect the contents of the file in the File View.

To download all the results you can click on any of the icons below the Table View. The formats we currently support are CSV, JSON, or SERIALIZED.

You can also add internal notes for each result and store it in SecApps Text ( A free tool for text files )

Data Tab

The Data tab is where we store all data points that were discovered during the execution. This is the place where you can quickly go through all the information.

On the top left corner, you can quickly filter between GitHub Repository, GitHub Gists, Leaked Emails, and Leaked Passwords. This is a good place to see whether some of the developers that work in your organization are using passwords that were previously compromised.

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