Adding a New Asset in SecApps Asset

In this page, you can learn how to use the Add Asset feature to add a new asset to your asset catalogue. You can provide optional information such as name, description, and tags, and you can select the asset type.

  • adding
  • asset
  • manual

Adding a new asset in SecApps Asset is a simple process that allows you to easily manage and track your domains, URLs, IPs, and other critical infrastructure information.


To add a new asset, follow these steps:

  1. In SecApps Asset, click on the Add Asset button on the toolbar.
  2. In the "name" field, you can provide an optional name for the asset. This is a useful field for identifying the asset, and it can be different from the actual asset itself. For example, you can use the name field to provide a descriptive label for the asset (e.g. "company website", "backup server", etc.).
  3. In the "description" field, you can provide an optional description for the asset. This can be useful for providing additional information about the asset, such as its purpose or importance.
  4. In the "tags" field, you can provide a list of tags to help categorize and organize the asset. For example, you can use tags to indicate the asset's level of risk, sensitivity, or other characteristics (e.g. "high-risk", "confidential", etc.).
  5. In the "type" dropdown, you can select the type of asset you are adding. The available options include "url", "domain", "ipv4", "ipv6", etc. Depending on the asset type, you may need to provide additional information in the "meta" field. For example, if the asset type is "domain", you can enter the domain itself in the "meta" field.
  6. Click on the Add button to add the asset to your asset catalogue.

Once the asset is added, it will be visible in the asset list, along with any optional information you provided in the name, description, and tags fields. This can help you quickly and easily identify and organize your assets.

The difference between the "name" and "meta" fields is that the "name" field is a descriptive label for the asset, while the "meta" field contains strict information about the asset itself. For example, if you are adding a "domain" asset, the "name" field might contain a descriptive label like "company website", while the "meta" field would contain the actual domain (e.g. "").

In summary, the Add Asset feature in SecApps Asset allows you to easily add new assets to your asset catalogue and provide optional information such as name, description, and tags to help you identify and organize your assets.

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