
Devcore can be configured to send notifications and summary reports to your slack channel of choice. To enable this integration you will need to install a slack app, obtain a callback URL, and configure your Devcore instance.

  1. Create a channel for your Devcore instance. You can use an existing channel but we recommend using a specific one just for security-related notifications.
  2. Click Add an app to set up the app for the Devcore notifications. This action will open your default browser if you are using the Slack desktop client. Search for the Incoming WebHooks app.
  3. Select Add Configuration. Make sure the right channel is selected.
  4. Click Add Incoming WebHooks Integration. You will immediately see a page with some setup instructions. Make sure to note down the Webhook URL because we will use this information to configure your Devcore.
  5. Open your Devcore from Click Edit button. Paste the webhook URL you copied from the previous step and ensure that you set your preferred execution schedule.

Your Devcore is now integrated into Slack and you will start receiving notifications for executions, changes, and other important updates. Feel free to customize the slack integration. You can change the name, customize the icon, and do any other change to your likings.

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